26. International Long-Term Care Conference

Let's take care of long-term care!

17-19 September 2024, Torun, Poland

September 17, 2024
Ceremonial Inauguration
Centrum Kulturalno-Kongresowe, Aleja Solidarności 3, Toruń
Gala Dinner
Centrum Targowe Park, ul. Szosa Bydgoska 3, Toruń
September 18, 2024
Centrum Kulturalno-Kongresowe, Aleja Solidarności 3, Toruń
Session 1

Needs of patients, employees and the system. How to reconcile them?

  • American model of organizing long-term care for older patients with polypharmacy.
    Chad R. Worz, USA
  • Long-term care in dementia - a problem for the caregiver and the patient.
    prof. Tadeusz Parnowski, Poland
  • ‘Dignity in dying - creating the opportunity for compassionate responses to end-of-life care'.
    prof. Philip Larkin, Switzerland
  • Why Zebras don't get ulcers, but people do. On the role of resilience and mental toughness in caring for others.
    Marzena Grochowska, Poland

Coffee break 

Session 2

Organization and challenges in long-term care.

  • Measures to support informal carers in Ireland.
    Robert Anderson, Ireland
  • The use of modern technologies in long-term care - a physiotherapist's point of view.
    prof. Marta Podhorecka, Poland
  • Digital Assistance Systems in Elderly Care.
    Julio Brandl, Deutschland
13.30-14.30 Lunch  
14.30-16.00 Session 3

Medical aspects of caring for a person in need of support.

  • Cognitive functions and mental health of seniors.
    prof. Alina Borkowska, Poland
  • Neuroplasticity of the brain - a challenge for the interdisciplinary team in long-term care.
    Ewa Świątek, Poland
  • Comprehensive Care and Availability of Health Care.
    Adam Sebena, Slovakia

Coffee break

Session 4

Person-centered long-term care.

  • Cultural alignment of key elements of PCC: reflecting on five case studies.
    Megan Davies, England
  • Let's stop mistreating the elderly and those who accompany them.
    Erwan Boudet, France

Buffet dinner

September 19, 2024
Centrum Kulturalno-Kongresowe, Aleja Solidarności 3, Toruń
Discussion panel
Long-term care in Poland – just a new name or a new concept? (in Polish)


Fundacja TZMO Razem Zmieniamy Świat


Fundacja TZMO Razem Zmieniamy Świat




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